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Sunday 29 September 2013

Traffic getting tips

Traffic is the currency of the web. The more traffic you have, the more people who will subscribe to your list, buy your products, and spread the word via social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. During the past 7 years online I’ve built multiple sites up to 1,000+ visitors per day. With millions of visitors in our web archives, I’ve learned the hard way which traffic methods are the best and which one’s are a waste of your time. And in this article I’m going to serve them up on a silver platter. Your 21-step roadmap to 1,000+ visitors per day… Step 1: Create Insanely Useful Content! The first step to creating massive traffic is to create insanely valuable content that oozes with personality… Your voice, Your style, Your very own brand of Kool-Aid. Unfortunately, voice can’t really be ‘taught’. It has to be found individually be each person. It’s a journey of SELF. It requires us to be something that most of us run from on a daily basis… RADICALLY HONEST. It requires us to pull off the shades, take down our guard and allow ourselves to be vulnerable. I relate writing to be much like dancing. Sometimes you just have to let go. Otherwise, you end up looking like the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz… Your unique voice is what people will be drawn to. Building a raving audience of fans online all starts with mind-blowing pillar content. Content that makes people think. Inspires. Creates value. Provides a new perspective. Pushes people out of their comfort zones. Challenges your readers. And creates nothing short of a braingasm! Social media only works when youcreate content that matters. Content that’s actually WORTH sharing. Step 2: Syndicate Your Content Around the Web… Ok, so now you’ve created your content and posted it to your blog. Not so fast! You’re job has just begun :) To get your blog buzzing with traffic, you’re going to need to get in the trenches. Content is just the entry fee – now it’s time to play the real game… Marketing and promotion! Fortunately, social media is making it easier to share and spread your content than ever before. EVERYONE online now has a circle of influence that you can tap into IF you’re providing massive value. And a bit of entertainment doesn’t hurt ;) Like I often tell my coaching students… “Boredom is the death of ALL marketing.” So don’t be afraid to have a little FUN :) Then, once you’ve pressed ‘Publish’ it’s now time to share your content on sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social sharing communities. Here are the exact steps we take to guarantee we get at least 1,000+ views on EVERY article we publish… Step 3. Submit to Twitter. This should be a no-brainer for you by now. Unfortunately, I STILL see WAY too many people not using this platform effectively. And others who have discounted it all together. Seriously!?!? I’m personally using Twitter to drive 1,000+ visitorsto my website EVERY single week. And we’re teaching our clients to do the same. Social media is NO longer an option. It should be the first place you send your new blog post. Step 4. Post to Facebook. Our next stop is good ‘ol Facebook! Which is quickly becoming the #1 traffic source for many websites online. If you’re not already active on Facebook… it’s time to get your booty in gear! When you dedicate yourself to creating truly epic content, Facebook can quickly become a traffic powerhousefor you. Step 5. Submit to Any Related Blog Carnivals. Blog carnivals are one of the fastest, easiest ways to increase your traffic and generate additional one-way backlinks to your website. Essentially, a blog carnival is a type of blog event that is published on a weekly or monthly basis – centered around a particular topic. As a blogger, you can submit your latest blog articles to be included in upcoming blog carnivals. On the day of the blog carnival, a link to your blog article, along with a short description is published on the blog host. Here are some popular blog carnival examples… Go to http://jedixwap.tk now for more updates! Contact us at 08061200992 or email us@ oikechi@gmail.com


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